Wednesday, October 26, 2011

EAAAAAA!!!!! (In best Kirk Voice)

Of all the times you needed to get it right, of all the years to put your absolute 100% best foot forward on consoles EA, you Fucked Up!  I suppose I shouldnt be surprised, after all it is what you are good at.

Let me qualify here...

I am NOT a COD Fanboy, as a matter of fact I LOVE the Battlefield Series, Ive owned them all, except 2142, I think it just hit at a weird time that I wasnt gaming on PC at all.

I dont game on PC anymore, it hurts my back because I get all tense in an office chair.  I could rig up something for the living room computer (its a last year high power machine hooked to my 65") but its not worth the effort when my 360 and PS3 are right there as well.

SO BF3 on 360, a different beast from PC, this is ONLY about the 360, because lets face it if you play COD the Majority is on 360.  BF3 has made great improvements over the last console iteration BF:BC2... of note are the server browser and ease of playing with friends.  It has the same flaws as public COD matches, but if you can get 12 friends going on one server you could occupy an entire team and use team chat.  problem 3/4 solved.  Still not as easy as COD, but when was the last time you could drive a tank in COD (Yes I know the Treyarch 3, and 5, which were... yuck) nevermind a helo or jet.

What is almost impossible to forgive though are the Dedicated servers.  Okay listen EA, I know you are going for a profit here, I know you are maximixing that profit.  BUT, what is the cost for leasing some extra servers (or BLADES) for say 2 to 4 weeks for launch?

Launch night was a DISASTER, I played 14 matches total.  Do you know how many actually completed without the server(s) crashing or the Bandwidth pipe causing a DOS?  2... Two... let that sink in for a moment.

Sunk in yet?  Ok Good, moving along... What are the implications for that?  well when the server drops/dies/is unreachable guess what happens to the points you had... they are gone.  By my best estimate I lost about 10000 points and unlocks/levels last night.  One match, and the one I almost threw my controller, I began at the beginning of the match, it was a very hard fought fight, I had 3000 points and the enemy team had 11 tickets left when *boop* black screen, then "EA servers unavailable"  I understand launch days can be screwy, thats fine, I fully expect the COD MW3 launch in 2 weeks to do the same(ish) stuff.  But I doubt Ill lose my progression when the network fails.  Thats a damn big one EA... and I mean DAMN BIG.

So Instead of being a level 3 when I next login on one of my 2 game nights a week I will still be level one with a whopping 2 matches played, and all that extra time is gone.

So, thats my rant.  I may write up a review on this game once I have played more matches, but I will definitely compare the 2 Shooters that are Directly competing this holiday.

and BTW EA unless Activision really badly screws the pooch on launch, you lost, that market share of the console shooters you were teasing activision about, enjoy that Crow taste, im sure its tasty.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

I've got some Dust in my eye

Ah From Dust, where did you come from?

I have never really tried/gotten into these God games that are out there. None really appealed, well, with the exception of Sim City.  I used to play com city for hours, tough half the fun was cheating, building a huge city then triggering multiple disasters.

From Dust is a very cute game, yeah, I said cute.  It blends some incredibly beautiful visuals with some interesting character, and throws in some really nice gameplay.  It is not for everyone, I started playing this Tuesday night, played for maybe an hour, cleared a few maps.  Then I played Wednesday night, ran 4 maps, a Tropical Volcano, a Desert (more on that one), a Daytime Fire Island?!?, and a night time desert? (more on that last one).  I thought I had only played for an hour, turned out to be almost 4... oops.

So I am addicted to it while playing it, that's different, but not too new for me.  The maps so far have produced interesting challenges, specifically the Desert and Night Desert maps.  The Volcano was fun, no big challenge for me, the Fire Island one had no challenge at all for me.

The Desert map starts off with a little water and 3 springs sitting right in front of you, you clear off some brush and place your first village.  The game then tells you that it is too dry and that you need water to spread vegetation,  fair enough, so you move some of the water coming out of the springs and voila you have vegetation in the area.  I should note that the vegetation isnt required but it is part of the challenge.  Next I started clearing a path for my little guys to grab the repel water and next totem... then it happened, I hit another spring, crap its gonna flood my village, so I clear a channel for it to flow down, in clearing that channel i hit 5 more springs, this is a desert right?  After a long while of clogging springs and channeling water I got the 100% vegetation, but it wasnt a desert any more, looked more like a group of islands.

The night desert map was a neat map in that the center of the map acted like a see saw or one of those single pole single throw switches that rocks back and fourth, the trick here, water sloshes in that little area, and there is a totem at one end.  After acquiring the repel water power it was made easier, however there was some hilarity to be had right there.

So here I am talking about a god game.  It definitely has a lot of fun and character to it, but I found it to be an instant purchase after playing the demo.  So try the demo, if you dont like it, well then move on, but if you do, buy it.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


So... Trenched from Double Fine came out yesterday on the Xbox Live Arcade.

Did I really only pay 15 for this one?  yup

What makes me say that?  Several factors

1. 8-10 hour Story/campaign
2. 4 Player Co-Op
3. Robust Loot System
4. Very cool graphics
5. Upgradable/customizable mechs

Wow, all this from a 15 dollar arcade game.  This really sets the bar high.

I was fortunate enough to play a few hours of rounds with Finfan, Fin's son, Godkill, Tacoma, and a few others last night.  The game is good, you really have to think about turret strategy, on top of what loadout you are taking compared to others and what role you will play.  I will say that the loot/scrap is more scarce than I expected, but it adds to the challenge.  And the humor, wow, very well done, who lights a cigar with a gunshot... this game.

A little background on mech games for me.  Yes I loved Mechassault, and the sequel for the original xbox, fun, fun games.  Then came Chromehounds on the 360, I must have put 250+ hours into that game, when they shut the servers down I was heartbroken, but the community had waned considerably.  But the level of customization and depth of the online war was superb.  I will never forget going into battle with a loadout of 3 double howitzer/cannons (dubbed the T-Dub, or as Major 10 0 calls it the "Tripple Double") getting into position, someone spotting my shots for me and unleashing absolute hell on an enemy base from what would be miles away, and the joy when my spotter would say "Dead on" my response.. "Get the hell out of there, FIRING FULL EFFECT" and unholy fire would rain on that base, 6 explosive or incindiary shells at a time, I can even remember some more interesting designs on those mechs, or Hounds as the game called it.

Chromehounds will be missed, this game fills that void, less customizably, less persisent but for 15 dollars, hell I would pay 60 for it, and if Double Fine comes out with some DLC for it (Chassis, Turrets, MISSIONS) I am first in virtual line!

Have a great day!


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Is an iPad a computer?

Hi everyone,

I am typing this out on my iPad somewhat ironically. Why you ask? Because until very recently I never understood what the hubbub was about surrounding iOS devices. I own an original iPhone I purchased from someone for 100 bucks and unlocked it for tmobile use. I used it for about a year But eventually realized that in comparison to android offerings and the lack of updates to iOS 4 I was Up a creek. So I set it aside and used it as an iPod (still do actually). I have an iMac at my house, but I boot camped it so it has a 450 gig windows partition and a 50 gig mac os partition.... Suffice it to say, well, I prefer windows over Mac os. I'm not die hard, I just have a preference.

So a situation presented itself recently where I could purchase a new iPad 2 for an incredibly low price, since I was really wanting a tablet, and at the time leaning toward android, I actually bought it. And I am so shocked. The Thing has not only replaced the netbook I keep sitting by the couch, but it makes it to my nightstand nightly. It's just so damned convenient. But does it do everything I can do on a computer? Nope, but it has filled a need.
I purchased a netbook a year Ago, barely used it. I purchased this 3 weeks ago and use it almost constantly. No I didnt get the 3G version, my android does free wireless tethering, without rooting.

So I look at the specs, it's a dual core 1 ghz processor with a dedicated graphics chip. Wait, huh? It's more powerful than that top of the line pc I put together in 2003 that sounds like a jet engine and is now relegated to running Linux? Yup... And it fits in my hands, is silent... Oh crap...and it plays games, very well. Yesterday I picked up dead space on it for a buck, WOW is all I can say. On top of that you have games like warp gate hd and angry birds, as well as plants vs zombies. And the screen is larger than a phone, I can browse the web in almost all it's glory, connect to my sling box at home, watch my Netflix and hulu plus. And the battery life? With my usage (A LOT) it hits about 75% by the end of the day, I haven't had it below 30, but that was 4 days of moderate use. I couldn't be more happy. So for now, the iPad has become my traveling computer, and gaming machine, and since I am not often home right now, I fills a very big need. So for the first time ever I am praising an apple product and I do feel it is worth it. Thanks apple!