Thursday, June 23, 2011


So... Trenched from Double Fine came out yesterday on the Xbox Live Arcade.

Did I really only pay 15 for this one?  yup

What makes me say that?  Several factors

1. 8-10 hour Story/campaign
2. 4 Player Co-Op
3. Robust Loot System
4. Very cool graphics
5. Upgradable/customizable mechs

Wow, all this from a 15 dollar arcade game.  This really sets the bar high.

I was fortunate enough to play a few hours of rounds with Finfan, Fin's son, Godkill, Tacoma, and a few others last night.  The game is good, you really have to think about turret strategy, on top of what loadout you are taking compared to others and what role you will play.  I will say that the loot/scrap is more scarce than I expected, but it adds to the challenge.  And the humor, wow, very well done, who lights a cigar with a gunshot... this game.

A little background on mech games for me.  Yes I loved Mechassault, and the sequel for the original xbox, fun, fun games.  Then came Chromehounds on the 360, I must have put 250+ hours into that game, when they shut the servers down I was heartbroken, but the community had waned considerably.  But the level of customization and depth of the online war was superb.  I will never forget going into battle with a loadout of 3 double howitzer/cannons (dubbed the T-Dub, or as Major 10 0 calls it the "Tripple Double") getting into position, someone spotting my shots for me and unleashing absolute hell on an enemy base from what would be miles away, and the joy when my spotter would say "Dead on" my response.. "Get the hell out of there, FIRING FULL EFFECT" and unholy fire would rain on that base, 6 explosive or incindiary shells at a time, I can even remember some more interesting designs on those mechs, or Hounds as the game called it.

Chromehounds will be missed, this game fills that void, less customizably, less persisent but for 15 dollars, hell I would pay 60 for it, and if Double Fine comes out with some DLC for it (Chassis, Turrets, MISSIONS) I am first in virtual line!

Have a great day!
