Wednesday, October 26, 2011

EAAAAAA!!!!! (In best Kirk Voice)

Of all the times you needed to get it right, of all the years to put your absolute 100% best foot forward on consoles EA, you Fucked Up!  I suppose I shouldnt be surprised, after all it is what you are good at.

Let me qualify here...

I am NOT a COD Fanboy, as a matter of fact I LOVE the Battlefield Series, Ive owned them all, except 2142, I think it just hit at a weird time that I wasnt gaming on PC at all.

I dont game on PC anymore, it hurts my back because I get all tense in an office chair.  I could rig up something for the living room computer (its a last year high power machine hooked to my 65") but its not worth the effort when my 360 and PS3 are right there as well.

SO BF3 on 360, a different beast from PC, this is ONLY about the 360, because lets face it if you play COD the Majority is on 360.  BF3 has made great improvements over the last console iteration BF:BC2... of note are the server browser and ease of playing with friends.  It has the same flaws as public COD matches, but if you can get 12 friends going on one server you could occupy an entire team and use team chat.  problem 3/4 solved.  Still not as easy as COD, but when was the last time you could drive a tank in COD (Yes I know the Treyarch 3, and 5, which were... yuck) nevermind a helo or jet.

What is almost impossible to forgive though are the Dedicated servers.  Okay listen EA, I know you are going for a profit here, I know you are maximixing that profit.  BUT, what is the cost for leasing some extra servers (or BLADES) for say 2 to 4 weeks for launch?

Launch night was a DISASTER, I played 14 matches total.  Do you know how many actually completed without the server(s) crashing or the Bandwidth pipe causing a DOS?  2... Two... let that sink in for a moment.

Sunk in yet?  Ok Good, moving along... What are the implications for that?  well when the server drops/dies/is unreachable guess what happens to the points you had... they are gone.  By my best estimate I lost about 10000 points and unlocks/levels last night.  One match, and the one I almost threw my controller, I began at the beginning of the match, it was a very hard fought fight, I had 3000 points and the enemy team had 11 tickets left when *boop* black screen, then "EA servers unavailable"  I understand launch days can be screwy, thats fine, I fully expect the COD MW3 launch in 2 weeks to do the same(ish) stuff.  But I doubt Ill lose my progression when the network fails.  Thats a damn big one EA... and I mean DAMN BIG.

So Instead of being a level 3 when I next login on one of my 2 game nights a week I will still be level one with a whopping 2 matches played, and all that extra time is gone.

So, thats my rant.  I may write up a review on this game once I have played more matches, but I will definitely compare the 2 Shooters that are Directly competing this holiday.

and BTW EA unless Activision really badly screws the pooch on launch, you lost, that market share of the console shooters you were teasing activision about, enjoy that Crow taste, im sure its tasty.