Thursday, May 29, 2008


So tonight is the night I sign the divorce settlement...

How do I feel about that?

It hurts... but life moves on.

Whats left? Im not sure but according to the Ex Wife the divorce should be final next week... sigh, thats some time i wont get back that I really hate to lose. Im 26 and ill be unmarried... I realize friends of mine (patrick) just got married at 28 but even if I were to marry Ashley it will have to wait at least 2 years... so ill be 29 (yes i can do math) before actually getting married IF it works out. Im not sure if it will or not.. but Im at least happy with the relationship, and after a strange talk last night she is too.

I dont have a lot to say... still no tax stimulus check... which is odd...

I started expensing my phone and internet so thats cool... 173.95 a month extra, that brings my salary above 40, so yay.

Im pretty tired today... cant wait to get to the house tonight and crash totally.


Monday, May 19, 2008


Today I am 26, does that mean anything special to me? Not really

I didn't do much over the weekend... I'm enjoying being able to stay in lex some nights, makes gas cheaper and I get to sleep next to ashley.

That's it for now

1 day or 1 year older, doesn't make any difference.

P.S. yes i edited the post because i felt different about it

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Oi Vey

So, on the way home yesterday a wonderful thing happened... my check engine light came on...

went to O'reilly auto parts and they scanned the code for free (Kudos to shops that do this service now, when my Mazda's check engine light came on it was 107.00 for them to read the code, and 12.00 to fix the problem) and told me its a misfiring cylinder... yay... not dangerous as i understand it. So I called mace at goodyear (Good guy, dont mind giving him my car work) and its going in sat morning to get fixed, mos tlikely its wires or plugs, and since I didnt replace the plugs or wires when i got it (it had 58,000 miles) and its now at 86,500 its probably the plugs or wires, it may never have been done. Sadly 350 was his estimate... say bye bye tax stimulus... i wanted to use that to pay off beneficial... oh well... another few months of payments to them.

In other news, Ashley passed her MIT test yesterday and is now officially the Associate Manager of cici's in Nicholasville. If you go there and eat if shes there say hi, who knows she may throw in a free drink if you mention my name.

thats it for now..


Monday, May 12, 2008


well, Ashley is staying with me tonight.... and im not going to HHH and taking PTO next friday

a quandry

So... the weekend went sortof as planned...

oil changes saturday morning, we went to eat while they were being done (btw goodyear has increased their basic price 3 dollars due to new brand of oil). Then I headed back to the house to mow, as it was supposed to rain Sunday and Ashley didnt need me to go to big lots and with her to get her 2 nails fixed.

before I mowed I looked up the price on the wheel cylinder to replace the leaky one on Ashley's car... well it turned out to be 10 bucks. Goodyear wanted 200+ to replace it... so I looked up a generic proceedure... okay I can do this... so I go mow, Ashley gets the part and brings it to my house. I pull her tire off, then the dust cover off the brakes, and disconnect the old cylinder, then I take the screws out of the old one. meanwhile there is brake fluid leaking out of the line since it was connected to.... well, air... now came the interesting part... the old part was not wanting to come out... it was a tight fit in there.... hmmm... it eventually came down to me taking the bleeder valve out of the back and presto out it came... so I took the bleeder valve off the new one... attached it to the car... attached the bleeder valve and line and couldnt get the brake shoes back on.... well that was because that cylinder had enough pressure in it that the brakes couldnt retract... so out comes the bleeder valve again... I attach the brakes, put the cover back on... install the bleeder valve... and presto, working brakes... a few trips around the block later, and no sign of leak.... yay.

next i took a shower and cut my hair, not in that order, then we sat out back enjoying the sun and each others company, talking about absolutely nothing but having a good time doing it. I suppose I should mention that ive picked up that filthy habit again... yup, im smoking again... but im going to try to keep it reasonable... 3 sat, 4 sunday, none so far today.

anyway we grilled some dinner, and retired to do other stuff... it was a good day... save for both of us getting sunburnt.... hey morons... sunscreen

Anyway... sunday went pretty much as expected... I got up early... finished my laundry, watched tv, went to my parents, came back and watched tv, got about an hour of GTA time, watched tv, went to bed, talked to ashley, slept. There was a eureka marathon yesterday so that was enjoyable.

The only revision to the plans for this week (that i can remember) is that Supposedly ill be signing the lease on the apt tomorrow.... thats about it. Ashley wants to spend the night there tomorrow, but I cant so thats a little bit of a bummer... im hoping she decides against it... but I will survive either way.

now my quandry...

Jordan may not be able to go to the server 2008 launch thing next thursday (May22), Bryan is staying at my house on the 21st and heading there that thurs... im debating on cancelling my trip there and asking Igor or PTO that friday (the 23rd).. quite frankly ide rather spend the day with ashley. so we will see.... but if Jordan can go I will go.

Friday, May 2, 2008


No real post today!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Blam Blam Blam

So I finally picked up GTA4 yesterday

Got home and played it... WOW

Ive played all the previous installments so I kinda knew what I was walking into, this thing is massive.

I suppose its fitting that so far this is the best GTA yet, seeing as how The Borg Have Assimilated Take 2. And by The Borg, im referring to EA.

I have only played about 3 hours (seemed like minutes) and Ive completed a couple of the arms dealer missions, a Vlad mission and several Roman Missions. MY GF is a Hobag (in game GF)

I tried to venture in to the airport to steal a chopper but I didnt see any, go figure... and as soon as i crossed onto the runway BLAM 4 star wanted level... I got out of it, which is awesome cause it was an achievement, but when i tried to leave the airport i got it back and was blown up by the cops, so I took that as a Sign to go to bed.

my impressions so far are... well WOW, i am impressed.

Its just sad that the Borg of Video Game companies has acted on Take 2, they shoved their tubules into the company, injected the nano probes, and walked away.

I think thats all i have to say today.... at least for now