Thursday, May 1, 2008

Blam Blam Blam

So I finally picked up GTA4 yesterday

Got home and played it... WOW

Ive played all the previous installments so I kinda knew what I was walking into, this thing is massive.

I suppose its fitting that so far this is the best GTA yet, seeing as how The Borg Have Assimilated Take 2. And by The Borg, im referring to EA.

I have only played about 3 hours (seemed like minutes) and Ive completed a couple of the arms dealer missions, a Vlad mission and several Roman Missions. MY GF is a Hobag (in game GF)

I tried to venture in to the airport to steal a chopper but I didnt see any, go figure... and as soon as i crossed onto the runway BLAM 4 star wanted level... I got out of it, which is awesome cause it was an achievement, but when i tried to leave the airport i got it back and was blown up by the cops, so I took that as a Sign to go to bed.

my impressions so far are... well WOW, i am impressed.

Its just sad that the Borg of Video Game companies has acted on Take 2, they shoved their tubules into the company, injected the nano probes, and walked away.

I think thats all i have to say today.... at least for now

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