Hi everyone...
Had an interesting few weeks...
Anyway, this last weekend I went out of town with ashley, went to kings island.
I need some help.
When i ride roller coasters or anyhting jerky I get kindof dizzy and cant focus on anything... its like im concussed... i get a little nautios but have never thrown up and can even eat. Is this motion sickness? Ive tried dramamine, and all that does is knock me out (even the non drowsy kind)
But here is the interesting part... yesterday im sitting at home, I went out to the garage and had like my 3rd cigarette of the day and suddenly BAM that feeling hit me again... this was at like 3pm. I barely made it into the house before i collapsed for about 30 minutes... waht the hell caused that?
Today, just a few minutes ago Im sitting in my office chair and BAM here is that feeling again. Last night it lasted till after 10pm.
Last night food seemed to help a little... but it didnt at kings island...
I should note that the feeling i get at kings island has happened every time ive ever been there... but it just randomly hitting me started yesterday...
1 comment:
I want to find someone to go to kings island with, preferably a female, preferably Ashley, but I cant have that. It is weird seeing these old posts
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