Thursday, June 20, 2013

Microsoft you dumb sons of bitches

Yup, cursing in the title.... its gonna be one of those rants.

Why Microsoft, why did you just strait up reverse your policy and make the 360 2.0?

Instead of actually listening to complaints they decided to do a full reversal....

Most peoples complaints about the 24 hour thing would have been remedied by a longer time, OR disk authentication.  Not disk has to be in drive even if you are online.

You fuckers out there on the internet that complained and didnt offer a creative solution (24 hours OR disk authentication) just fucked me out of roughly 300 dollars a year for another live account and two copies of half the games I buy... thanks for that....

You thought they were anti consumer and out to make money.  Hey, guess what, the possibility of sales, gone, the fact that they want to make money...They are a frigging company, what do you think they are in business to do?

This is why people say to offer constructive criticism and not just criticism, waaa waa waaa gets things rolled back, waa why not do x gets things fixed.

Sorry for the rant... I am just a little annoyed that they went 180 instead of refining their approach.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Is there a doctor in the house?

Here comes a rant...

If you are a doctor and someone comes to see you with some bad pain, don't rush running tests on a Thursday and tell that patient that you will call them Friday with the results and then take the day off and not have someone cover....

Short version of story:

Been in abdominal pain since Monday night

Went to doctor Thursday afternoon

doctor rushes blood tests and schedules ultrasound on gallbladder for 0830 Friday morning

I went to the ultrasound

my pain has eased significantly since Thursday night, was even able to eat today, doctor has no clue of this.

I called them at 4:45 to ask if my results were in and to talk to doc.

response I get is "Shes not here today but we have a printout of your blood test if you want it"

so now I get to sit all weekend wondering if I will be having surgery or what... Im nervous, and a tad scared.

If the pain comes back full strength I will go to the ER...

end rant

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Hey Microsoft, please read this!

Dear Microsoft,

Please reconsider your stance on the Xbox One and 24 hours offline situation.

As I am sure you know, SONY has a Serial number (Unique) on every disk they ship out.

With that information I would request this change.

Please serialize every disk pressed, and write some code into the console's OS that allows, if the internet is down, the user to insert the proper disk into his/her console and that disk re-authorize for another 24 hours.

Note this is only for games that have disks, if purchased online download only, please move this to 3 or 6 days.

24 hours is not long enough for the average consumer.  Perhaps in Redmond when the internet goes out they have it fixed within 24 hours.  However here in Kentucky when there is bad weather (ie. an Ice Storm) the internet is typically disrupted for 2-6 days.  Steam allows a nominal 30 days, this would be ideal.  Please consider a longer time frame, especially for customers with Time Warner Cable, the average turnaround for them with a truck roll, cable cut, or even a dying node is at minimum two days.  If any of those happened I wouldn't be able to use my Xbox One.

Internet outages are frequent occurrences here in the eastern central United States, please take this into account.  The shortest outage I have had has been 12 hours, the average is 48. I dont think I would purchase an Xbox One based on that information.  I am your target market, a 31 year old male, with a family, who has disposable income for games.  I have been an Xbox fan since the beginning, 9 year XBL gold account, had 2 original Xboxes, 3 360s currently (I sent a total of 9 (BTW this better not happen with Xbox One) off for red ring of death), and was planning on at least 2 Xbox Ones.

Please consider this middle class American's views and help us out, this would probably smooth over some of the internet's ire.

Thank you for your time and attention

Christopher Van Leuven
31 Year old Middle Class Gamer

P.S. I have some other ideas on how to smooth over some of the internet ire if you would like to contact me.

Everyone that reads this, please share it and send it to microsoft, it probably wont help, but if they see it enough maybe, just maybe something could get changed.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Microsoft, What the hell are you doing?

Hey guys,

So anyone who has read my blog before knows I like Microsoft's Xbox, and I am not afraid to admit it.  However, I just don't get what they are doing here with Xbox One now.  First, yes they have answered tons and tons of questions, but everyone has a different answer.  Second, all of the important questions people have been asking have gone unheeded, or responded with "You will see soon".  I wish I could walk into one of the execs offices, slap them in the face, and yell "Hey idiot people want to know about the product you are putting out and you aren't sending a consistent message"! Now what did they do?  they cancelled the Roundtable after the E3 press conference now.  Why?  Is this them taking the Sony approach to last generation?  "Oh we are good enough, gamers will just want our box".  Something is extremely rotten in Denmark and I am starting to become concerned.  Has Xbox Services and Entertainment gone the way of the rest of MS in that interns are doing all the work then being recruited off?  If that's the case prepare for iteration upon iteration.

On the upside for M$ Server 2012 R2 looks awesome.

Thanks For Reading!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Xbox One Used Game Fee

I just heard from a reliable source that works for Microsoft on used games...  It's rumor until confirmed, so I hope this helps.

Buying a game day one, the game checks in and activates, as expected.

When you trade it in you tell ms it is being traded/sold and the game de-auths from your account and you are given a code to use when selling.

Person who buys game gets code, they activate license and game is installed.

Makes sense to me at least.

Follow up on the used game fee...

This is so a game is not purchased and installed or copied, basically it's so 2 people don't buy one disk to install.

Look at it this way, in this next gen you will be able to install games and not use the disks, this is in place to prevent you from installing it to multiple Xbox accounts.

As for lending games, he wasn't sure but the selling/trading system might work.

This is not all set in stone yet.

My take... this is expected, thing of it like steam, you can still buy games on disk that activate on Steam.  Think of the disks as just a delivery mechanism for the data, not the actual game.  This goes one step beyond steam and lets you trade your games in.  All of this makes sense to me, and I wish people would slow down and think before flaming Microsoft on this.  You are trading in a license not a physical game anymore.

As for Kinect being always there, okay we expected that, people are worried that COD is going to require you to use kinect?  Really you think a game with people that play everywhere, and includes lets say less than active people, is going to require you to use kinect?  Not damn likely.  Maybe the voice stuff, but that still wouldnt mass appeal as not everyone likes to talk.

Why is everyone mad at Microsoft for saying Kinect will be there?  It gives developers options to innovate, they even said developers dont have to use it.

Always on, you guys are killing me on this, they said it doesnt always have to be on but it does require a connection and periodic check in.  Why do people think this means always on?  I understand this screws people like the military, I am sorry to hear that and sympathetic.  However they are moving to a licensing system instead of disk based DRM (or in addition to) you cant play steam offline indefinitely, eventually you have to go online so it can re-authorize your licenses.

What we are seeing is that Xbox is becoming more and more like Steam and everyone is up in arms, whereas everyone loves steam.  This is the epitome of double standard.

Lastly, please note, even according to Microsoft Spin Doctor Larry Hyrb (Major Nelson) these policies are not set in stone.

Please people just think before you flame.

You guys should listen to the GiantBombcast for this week, specifically the part that Jeff Gerstmann was on, they even thought about the trade ins, as well as the always on, 24 hours is just a ballpark figure.

I know this will get flamed... sorry, and thanks for reading!



So everyone is aware, I have sent emails to Microsofts PR team to get a few answers.

Also Here is a link to this week's GiantBombcast:

Friday, May 10, 2013

YouTube, Let's Plays, and Xbox Capturing

Hey Folks!

Welcome to whatever re-incarnation this will be!  Hopefully you found this blog by a google search or some other linked reference.  I have started working on my YouTube channel, no more Vlogs, I suppose those have been gone for quite some time though!  So now I am doing Let's Plays, I have about a month's worth posted, It also appears that YouTube is working on fixing an issue with my account.

So now I received an El Gato Game Capture HD this week, this weekend I will be starting a Let's Play of Batman Arkham City on Xbox.  I recorded an intro last night and will play tonight or tomorrow and start on the editing.  My next acquisition I need is a copy of Sony Vegas.  It is on my list, and it is only $100 but I can do what I NEED right now with Windows Movie Maker, however I would LIKE to be able to do noise cancellation on videos, some better effects, and maybe even some better looking renders.  As It stands with WMM if I import an elgato video (1080p, 30FPS) and cut off 10 seconds on the beginning the file size shrinks in half when WMM renders it, I don't need all that extra compression.

But I Digress, I will purchase a copy of vegas soon.  I will also license a copy of xsplit for live streaming if there are any requests or demand for it.

So For now, here is my Channel Intro.  Link Dump below

This Blog: