Yup, cursing in the title.... its gonna be one of those rants.
Why Microsoft, why did you just strait up reverse your policy and make the 360 2.0?
Instead of actually listening to complaints they decided to do a full reversal....
Most peoples complaints about the 24 hour thing would have been remedied by a longer time, OR disk authentication. Not disk has to be in drive even if you are online.
You fuckers out there on the internet that complained and didnt offer a creative solution (24 hours OR disk authentication) just fucked me out of roughly 300 dollars a year for another live account and two copies of half the games I buy... thanks for that....
You thought they were anti consumer and out to make money. Hey, guess what, the possibility of sales, gone, the fact that they want to make money...They are a frigging company, what do you think they are in business to do?
This is why people say to offer constructive criticism and not just criticism, waaa waa waaa gets things rolled back, waa why not do x gets things fixed.
Sorry for the rant... I am just a little annoyed that they went 180 instead of refining their approach.
I like what they did. Makes sense to form two markets; one for disc-based, one for downloads.
Wish they could have implemented 2 plans.
A plan which is basically the same as we have now for people who prefer ownership of physical disks for full retail games.
Another for people who prefer digital downloads, where games are considered a service and disposable and don't care about playing them years down the road.
By the way, no one was screaming at Microsoft to change their stance. #PS4NODRM was about Sony. And Sony listened, and gamers were happy; happy to line up and preorder PS4 upwards of 8x more than Xbox1.
Microsoft screwed YOU over, not gamers. They said Sony wasn't even a competitor, but that's obviously a lie. They didn't stick to their guns. They were looking to make a STEAM-like service for consoles, but the reality is console gamers want ownership. If you want STEAM, go use STEAM.
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