Thursday, June 6, 2013

Microsoft, What the hell are you doing?

Hey guys,

So anyone who has read my blog before knows I like Microsoft's Xbox, and I am not afraid to admit it.  However, I just don't get what they are doing here with Xbox One now.  First, yes they have answered tons and tons of questions, but everyone has a different answer.  Second, all of the important questions people have been asking have gone unheeded, or responded with "You will see soon".  I wish I could walk into one of the execs offices, slap them in the face, and yell "Hey idiot people want to know about the product you are putting out and you aren't sending a consistent message"! Now what did they do?  they cancelled the Roundtable after the E3 press conference now.  Why?  Is this them taking the Sony approach to last generation?  "Oh we are good enough, gamers will just want our box".  Something is extremely rotten in Denmark and I am starting to become concerned.  Has Xbox Services and Entertainment gone the way of the rest of MS in that interns are doing all the work then being recruited off?  If that's the case prepare for iteration upon iteration.

On the upside for M$ Server 2012 R2 looks awesome.

Thanks For Reading!


Bryan said...

What exactly are you saying you don't like? Small hard drive? Downloading all games? Not being able to take a game and play it on a friends system? - Ramy

Unknown said...

Im specifically saying they need to get answers out and they are doing the opposite.